Mr. Chuck Manthe
We’re all theatrical!
You just have to remember how to explore it. As a child you played house, cops and robbers and superheroes. In this class, you re-learn to play again and create characters that you employ in scenes and plays in class and on stage. In addition to acting, we will explore technical theatre, improvisation and many other subjects related to the theatre arts.
Production Attendance:
Shakespeare in Love: September 19 - 21, 2019
Matilda the Musical: November 7 - 16, 2019 Be More Chill: March 26 - April 4, 2020 Puffs: April 30 - May 2, 2020 One Acts: May 19 - 21, 2020 (you will be in and attend) |
Requirements and Projects
Class Requirements
Grade Scale & Overview |
Grading: Category Expectations |
The 5 Score
A grade - superior, high quality work. Completes all assignments, shows originality and initiative, does more than required, is always attentive, and contributes positively to the class. Exceeding most and meeting all Advanced CA Standards in Theatre Arts. The 4 Score B grade - positive accomplishment that is above the average. Completes most assignments, shows a desire to do better, attentive and participatory in class. Meeting Most Advanced and Exceeding All Proficient CA Standards in Theatre Arts. The 3 Score C grade - acceptable, average understanding of standards. Generally completes most assignments, shows interest in work, is usually attentive in class, completes work on time. Meeting Proficient CA Standards in Theatre Arts. The 2 Score D grade - more effort is needed to meet standards of this course. Completes a minimum of assignments, not attentive in class and seldom responds in class. Not meeting all Proficient CA Standards in Theatre Arts. The 1 Score F grade - Produces unacceptable assignments or none at all. Not attentive in class and is disruptive. Meets less than half of Proficient CA Standards in Theatre Arts. |
Performing: Monolog/Scene Work:
Throughout the year, you will be assigned performance pieces for in class study. All performances must be memorized by the due date. Work not memorized will not be scored higher than F. Theatre Ethics: Behavior and Ethical participation will be part of the overall grade and you will be given a score every 6 weeks. Daily Warmup and rehearsal time fall into this category and should never be taken lightly or wasted. Written Work: Reviews and any other announced assignements. Legible, means typed or entered on the class blog as needed. Production Attendance: Performance/Audition: You are required to attend ALL FIVE Lincoln Theatre productions and one approved LHS Dance or Music Production . Students in the production will get the same credit as if they attended. Financial assistant and discount shows are available for those who ask. The One Acts are the final projects for the second semester and participation is not optional. Please plan to be here after school and in the evenings on May 19-21, 2020. This includes rehearsal, audience and performance dates. Extra Credit will be offered at the teacher’s discretion. Late Work must be made up within 15 days of the original due date but before the last regular school day of the semester. |
This class will be tailored to the people in it. It’s doesn’t matter where you begin . . . it’s where you end up that makes all the difference.